La Cite Carcassonne

The Grand Duchess takes us all for a trip to La Cite at Carcassonne. She really knows how to turn heads, not bad for her 54 years. A group of Japanese tourists turned their cameras from the awesome ramparts of the castle glistening in the November sunshine to her sleek lines of french blue and cream. Down in the Bas Cour below purring quietly down the street she even caused a postman to drop his bag !

The place was bustling with tourists of every nationality. I decided to join them and bought myself a ticket into the castle. I was not disappointed and marvelled at the large collection of sculptures dating from Antiquity to the 17th century in the museum. The Justice and Inquisition Towers were equally impressive and it was easy to see how Kate Mosse's book The Labyrinthe based on this UNESCO World Heritage Site became a best seller.

The Small Cross One was far more impressed however with the exhibition of The Cathares Inquisition and instruments of torture.

Of course Guy Fawkes was trained in France but ended up on similar instruments at the hands of his interrogators back in England.

Pity he did not succeed in his plot for tonight would have been the perfect evening for fireworks here under a full moon and cloudless sky.


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