Fairy Cake Recipe And High Heels.

To make sure I always have everything to hand I put important paperwork safely away. Not filed necessarily but somewhere within the boundaries of the office. So why I ended up in The Small Cross Ones bedroom I don't know, something to do with the fact that my hairdryer had also completely vanished. There amongst a row of Converse Trainers sat my pair of pink fake fur leopard skin high heels. Seriously de rigueur to stand out from the crowd in a rural village down in The South of France.

Stuck onto the full length mirror with a Post-It sticker were three stark words, DON'T FORGET TONIGHT ! Last nights conversation came flooding back to me with complete clarity. My main task of the day, or should I re-phrase that as my most important task of the day was to whisk up some perfect Fairy Cakes for an assorted bunch of French girlies with seriously discerning palates who were arriving this evening. I am brilliant, even though I say so myself, at a Victoria Sponge Cake and Fairy Cakes. And tonight, I will wow them all yet again with a plate of beautifully formed, delectable soft mounds of feather light all butter petit sponges. I'm under the strictest of instructions not to ice them. The Small Cross One has to individually 'style' each one apparently so it gives me plenty of time to search for that elusive paperwork.

Oh, and to find the perfect recipe for Fairy Cakes..............


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