The Bride-to-be or not-to-be, that is the question ?
His Lordship has taken to polishing the wooden panelling that lines the staircase and hallways with a tin of boot polish and a tootbrush. I'm not suggesting that this is not a first class and admirable job he is undertaking but there is a touch of eccentricity there.
The Small Cross One is languishing in bed for the schools are on strike today. This is France. 2b is rather miffed to find he has to work until midday at the very least.
The Bride-to-be loved Le Chateau. And another house too. Seems its down to 'us' or 'them'. Meanwhile could I just give an indication on the availability of local chambre d'hôtes (B&B) for 60 people nearby and rustle up costings for catering and a mobile disco. I make lots of phone calls and leave lots of messages. Does anyone get back ? do they heck, this is France. Oh and it snowed last night.
Sat up until midnight cruising around beds and sofas on the internet reckoning that this way of shopping was the answer to my prayers and would thus save me a day long and very expensive trip to Ikea in Toulouse. By the time I had totted up my hours though I could have been there and back, had Swedish meatballs for lunch and enough scented candles and an assortment of useless knick knacks to fill the house nicely.
My friend Wise Owl flies in today courtesy of Ryanair for something like a penny plus taxes. She's thrilled that the skiing is looking so promising here on the Pyrenees but unless you are a lover of snow and the inevitable cold it brings it plays havoc everywhere. All the spring flowers that were excitedly appearing to put on a blaze of colour in time for Easter have been seriously thwarted by the weather. . That's roses, hyacinths, jasmin, grapefruit, clematis and my wild strawberries. All previously very happy. From a grower's point of view it might slow down the crops that were coming on far too early which is why farming overall is so perilous; relying heavily as it does on the whims of Mother Nature.
I can't use the snow and cold as an excuse for the house not being ready and in completely 'tip top' condition for my guests. There is however an inclination to linger a moment too long by the sleepy log fire which is where, of course, my computer sits.