Naughty secrets

Any thoughts you may have imagined about me being a nice person are about to be well and truly shattered. It's easy isn't it to paint a flattering picture of yourself via a blog. You can be anyone you like, some days it's such fun to throw your head back and laugh girlishly as those gorgeous descriptions just pitter patter ever so lightly over the keys. Slight adjustment here, bit of tweaking there and the woman you have always wanted to be appears as though by magic. Voila !!

His Lordship has just very kindly brought me in a lovely freshly brewed cup of tea in my favourite bone china 'Mr Moo's' mug. Placed delicately on a plate was half a slice of Opera, a fabulous French concoction of succulent dark chocolate, caramel and sponge, his slice which he elected to share with me. Wasn't that noble ?

Not so noble, and the unappetising truth is the reason why it took me slighter longer than usual to wolf it down. 'I'm so glad you are savouring it' he said kindly. Scrunched up in front of me, and yet to be hurriedly deposited in the kitchen bin when I can sneak past is the remains of a packet of chocolate covered Thorntons toffee. I can't help it, I thought of sharing it but my addiction overcame me and now I feel as guilty as hell.

'Lets take a walk and see the sunflowers' I suggest brightly (I'm feeling queasy to boot). Take a right, first left and we are in glorious open countryside, the acres of sunflowers are just about to burst forth and I wanted to take a quick snap to share them with you all. The sun's warmth is ripening the vines at a rapid rate and everything has a truly lush look about it after yesterdays sprinkling of rain.

'There's the pool to attend to' he reminds me. What he also doesn't know is that on Saturday the changeover day I manically threw myself into the beautiful waters and did some rather energetic exercises which I presumed were doing me good by the fact I was moving. Coupled with three hours of bending and weeding yesterday as sadly the display of Queen Anne's lace is over I can hardly put one foot in front of another.

My house paints a pretty picture though doesn't it ?


Un Peu Loufoque said…
Cake and eaten it too dear, who is a lucky girlee then !!!!Oh the cake ambience sound divine!!!Sunflowers too !!Oh I do wish I was there!
Blossomcottage said…
A good smile for a wet day,you sound as if you have a really great time even if you can't walk after all the gardening.I love sunflowers I don't think mine will see the light of day this year.
muddyboots said…
ah yes the magic of words .... the cakes were rather good were they not? and didn't we enjoy that jolly run all around the houses to burn off the calories to reduce our waist size to 24". it worked a treat! how's the T going & are those figs ripe yet? what a treat....
Crystal Jigsaw said…
Your house is beautiful. How I'd love to swim in my own pool everyday. Mind you, I think if we just dug a hole in the ground, filled it with tarpaulin and waited, we'd be pretty much sorted. And that cake has made me feel very hungry!

Crystal x
Faith said…
.... and I thought it was something realy bad!
ChrisH said…
Oh, that's made me laugh! Not naughty - you needed your essential nutrients, that's all!
Your house paints a very pretty picture indeed!
I'm back...simply to tag you for five tried and tested ways to raise your spirits should they ever need it of course
countrymousie said…
The house looks a dream. I never ever share chocolate. Just about everything else but not that.
I dont get cups of tea made me either you lucky girl.
I could go for as swim in our flood I suppose!
Can you feel the envy I wonder. I keep thinking summer is just around the corner, but I fear autumn is!
Take care - love mousie

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