Bed and Breakfast in the Languedoc anyone ?

Suddenly, whoooooooosh the end of the summer season is nearly upon us. What happened, where did it all go ? There's nothing nicer and more pleasing than sitting back and reading all the lovely comments in the visitors book, especially the younger visitors, they pull no punches !!

But whilst our last family booking for the summer enjoy the pool I'm responding to long weekend and bed and breakfast enquiries for the Autumn. Autumn in the Languedoc. The crowds have gone, the roads are empty and the vendange (harvesting of the vines) begins in earnest. The long lines of plane tree's begin to turn brown and crisp, their huge leaves floating wordlessly to the ground. The vibrant colours of the vines splash the landscape with one last burst. Right now the Chardonnay vines are turning gold, the grape harvesters at the ready for what should be a bumper harvest for the Malpere region.

So imagine yourself sitting up in bed looking out at the view beyond from Le Chateau contemplating a breakfast of coffee and croissants, pondering which domain to visit for a tasting perhaps.

On the other hand you may be addicted to all things French Shabby Chic as I am. Yesterday I triumphed yet again in one of my favourite little haunts in Carcassonne, amongst my 'finds' two beautiful white heavy cotton butchers aprons, a delectable 19th century exquisitely embroidered nightdress and a sneaky addition to my growing collection of metis embossed sheets.

Perhaps Sally's Chateau should consider opening a shop ?


Crystal Jigsaw said…
A beautiful picture indeed. Is there an airport nearby? I'm not good on boats..

Crystal xx
Sally's Chateau said…
Hi Crystal, Nearest airport is Carcassonne, 20 mins, (Ryanair) further afield Toulouse, 45 mins (Easyjet,Flybe) The piccy is from the bedroom window taken with a zoom lens. BUT, forgot to add that amongst my 'finds' the most divine pair of deep burgundy velvet gloves with fur trim to match !!
ChrisH said…
I don't think you should start a shop, Sally, it would be far, far too tempting.
lampworkbeader said…
You make it sound so lovely. Certainly a lot better than my little sojurn in Scotland, but somehow I've managed to fill up most available time for the next 8 weeks or so. I've a son getting married in Germany, a craft fair to attend, and now some rotter has offered me some work for the next few weeks. This early retirement lark isn't all its made out to be, Hmm!
Do you have any mountains nearbye? It's difficult to get my man anywhere there isn't a mountain. I'm the only person I know that has to got into training for a holiday.
Un Peu Loufoque said…
No shop dear, why really does not want to venture into trade!!! But autumn in the languedoc sounds divine..
DJ Kirkby said…
ooooh my what a find your blog is! As is your beautiful holiday home. Someday I may be able to afford to luxuriate in it's elegance.
countrymousie said…
Perhaps we could arrange a little get together for those able to make the journey - it might be fun. I could do with a little break right now to be honest.
Online shop Sally - oh yes please!!!! "Sally Chateau by post"
Dan n Kai said…
french fabbie foto !! It's awesome Sally.
Peace, Kai
Pondside said…
You are a temptress! I've got your site on my favorites - and you never know, if I can persuade the Great Dane to forsake Denmark perhaps you'll see us one day. You'll have to take me shopping though!
Posie Rosie said…
It sounds wonderful...and I often imagine...need to get on and make it a day!!
Milkmaid said…
Really fed up now, might be really grumpy and leave little hints and your website for s to find, Toulouse might check that out on Easyjet and leave that on the pc for him fall across, subtly not required
bodran... said…
I'm not good on boats or planes!! i'll have to drive, if i ever get a passport that
Mary said…
I love France wish I was there looking at view Mary
Exmoorjane said…
Yes, yes, yes to shop! Even if I can't buy (bricks before bed linen, you know the score) I can at least look and yearn.
julie said…
Sounds lovely, it really would be great to tear ourselves away from renovating and visit another part of france. Love the shopping list did the same thing myself yesterday. jules
mrsnesbitt said…
Oh wow! These place names are bringing back memories of our 2005 holiday to France. Do check out my Wednesday ABC photos...F is for France! Oh we love to tour on our motorbike. Really missed it this year, but who knows...maybes next year!
Shop - no - not sure it is you.

End of the summer season - chilly nights and mornings preparing for the Autumn and Winter - Xmas and snow on the radar . . . I LOVE it.
Zalinka said…
Salut sally,

tu es la meilleure!!!Super blog et Super site, à Samedi pour un apéritif avec mon James blond...Bisous
Country Cottage Chic said…
I think Sally's Chateau should definitely open a shop!

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