Skiing in the Pyrenees

You'll never believe it, and indeed you probably wouldn't if I hadn't taken this very shot an hour ago hanging out of the bedroom window but there is snow on the Pyrenees. Enough for skiing in the Pyrenees I shouldn't wonder. I would have posted it up sooner but you know I'm still busy learning this cropping, resizing malarkey with something called IrfanView so that when you send photographs the image of a red cat looking splattered appears in the corner. Oh I don't know, I'm going slightly off the ski slope.
Anyway I wake up this morning,(good start) open the shutters with a flourish and flinging back my head sing out to the early dawn 'oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a wonderful feeling, everythings going my way'.....and so on and so forth as all of you should do every day. Because the air has a definite nip which sends me reeling backwards I peer further afield and onto the horizon. There in front of me in all their splendid glory lie the Pyrenees only they are covered in snow. And it's not just the tops either, it really does look as though someone has poured oodles of gooey icing sugar all over them in the night.
And suddenly visions of snow suits, ski's, woolly hat's, mittens, for hill skiing, cross country skiing,tobogganing and sledging, country snow hiking for the very fit appear. We are lucky enough to be a mere 1 hour from the nearest ski slopes of Mont d'Holmes and Ax-Les-Thermes, I like a visit to the natural spa thermal baths myself, and further afield we have the well known resort of Andorra, a haven also for tax free goods.
'Come on' I shout (regular readers will recognise this well worn phrase) let's get going to play in some snow' up in the Pyrenees.
His Lordship is gently frying some thinly cured bacon ready to be slapped between a chunk of the fresh baguette I sent him out for looks at me wearily. 'You ordered me out last night in the pitch black to pull over the pool cover' he reminds me. 'This weekends forecast is for beautiful hot weather'
Are any of you remotely surprised that some days I feel completely topsy turvy ?
'Deck the halls with boughs of something tralalalalalallllalalalalaLAAAAAAA'
Crystal xx
I too sent DH out to put the pool cover on the other night and woke up the next morning to freezing cold, wet, drippy fog! So much for hoping the summer was going to last until the end of September. There is a definite brrrrrrrr in the mornings.
We have foregone a summer hol this year for skiing but will have to wait till April when the youngest will be old enough to go into ski-school. Ironically he is already bigger than any three year old that I know. Just hoping the snow is good at that time as would rather go January a nice little mid winter pick me up.