Mrs Beetons Cookery Book
You might wonder what I'm doing posting up a picture of Mrs Beetons Family Cookery Book circa 1921 on a blog from the South of France.'s been one of those weeks and to cut a long story short I found myself sitting in a room next to a lovely couple of Russian ladies. One of them had this wonderful cookery book, I haven't the foggiest why, but it didn't take a second for me to whip out my camera. I'm going to be stuck in this particular occupation until the 21st December by all accounts, a little course rustled up by His Lordship to stop me getting into mischief.
I arrived home to find my dear pussy cats miaowing pitifully from the woodshed. Mon Dieu the door was completely closed and it was with utter horror that when opened the randy old tom of the village was nestled contentedly in the enormous basket. Issuing forth with expletives such as 'you devil you' and 'go forthwith' it was difficult to ascertain whether the girlie's were relieved by my intervention or not. It would be indiscreet of me to say who had imprisoned the poor moggies but how can you miss livestock in a woodshed ? unless of course you had had a skinful , like I said the occasion calls for 'ferme la bouche' but aren't some guests thoughtless ?
His Lordship does so enjoy reading an improving book. Excited by my tales of Mrs Beatons recipes he has dived into his library. With a flourish out comes a present that he gave to me on our first Christmas together. Enquire Within upon everything, circa 1929, a tome of good advice to handle every situation and problem.
Except how to get your guests to first check that the village tom is not in your woodshed with your girlie's overnight.
I'm off for a brisk long walk, the suns shining gloriously and there are still a few stray sunflowers to enjoy.
What did you say? Hmm!
Poor Kitties - thoughtless guests - extra rations for kitties and a big glass of something red and dry for a traumatized chatelaine!
I still have the copy from my MIL of Mrs Beeton, along with another old cook book for recipes used during the war, that did not need any ingredients of eggs.
Will you be keeping the kittens Sally?