Carcassonne Beach

I know, I know, by posting up this picture you're all wondering where I am now. You'll no doubt be thinking I've sloped off somewhere exotic. Look at that gorgeous deep blue sparkling lake, clear water lapping gently at the soft sand surrounded by a Mediterranean forest of pines. This morning I was breakfasting gazing out at the morning sun hitting the tips of the Pyrenees slightly tinged with a pinkish blush. By lunchtime I was sitting having a picnic with His Lordship, a squidgy goats cheese spread over a crusty baguette. Of course were I to be on holiday which you know I most certainly am not then I daresay a glass of the local Languedoc wine pleasantly chilled would aid the digestion splendidly but being British we opted for a flask of tea. Carcassonne has its very own man made beach and lake, 18 hectres of water and a 5 kilometre ramble through shady paths. A rather seductive spot for a January lunch wouldn't you agree ?

I managed to hold onto the bottle of Bollinger until last Sunday lunchtime when we had cause for celebration, and very pleasant it was too sitting out on the terrace. After the first glass I was feeling euphoric and pleased with myself as though I had won the lottery even, although it has to be said that had I won it I would hardly be announcing it to all and sundry here would I ? I'd be nipping off to somewhere quietly, somewhere that offered culture, a variety of gastronomic experiences, an unspoilt landscape offering breathtaking views, or were I to be really energetic somewhere nearby the slopes for a spot of skiing which our guests did last week.

Last Minute France

Otherwise I'll just have to enjoy it all by myself and that seems so unfair.


softinthehead said…
From where I am sitting in frigid Canada your lovely life looks like one long holiday - I'm very envious :)
OOooooo you rotten self confessed tease you!!!! Then again I love the snow.
Anonymous said…
Helloooooooooooo Sally you tease!Yes, for those of us shivering up'North you are just too much. Ryanair, here we come..............!!
Un Peu Loufoque said…
Ah but Sally if you wanted "somewhere that offered culture, a variety of gastronomic experiences, an unspoilt landscape offering breathtaking views" you could have just stayed at home!!
LittleBrownDog said…
Oh, Sally - how can you tantalise us with thoughts of crusty baguettes and Bolly? Mind you, with the weather we've been having here, we'll really appreciate the summer when it comes. As my northern mother always said if she ever saw anyone with their coat on indoors, "you won't feel the benefit, you know".

(Just jealous, really ;-))
ChrisH said…
Sally, if I didn't like you so much I could get quite jealous and stomp off in a big fat sulk. It has been total pants here today.
Pili pala said…
Sally were you in Montbel/Chalabre, it looked beautiful x
Sally's Chateau said…
Pili Pala, no we were at Carcassonne Plage although I know the lakes at Montbel, shame it was far too cold to swim !!
Pipany said…
Oooooohhhhhhh! Rain and more rain here Sally. Much envy xx
Pondside said…
Heaven. You were in heaven, and why you'd think of going anywhere else with fantasy lottery winnings is beyond me. If you insist, though, I'll trade houses with you.
lampworkbeader said…
That's quite enough Sally, I've been looking out onto rotten fog all day.
Tessa said…
A picnic by a lake with one's Lordship. What could be finer?
Maddie Grigg said…
I do believe I know you from Dorset days...
Love the blogs, I will add you to my list!

Maddie xx
Mean Mom said…
What a life you lead! I think it's rained every morning, here, this week!
Jason said…
Absolutely gorgeous Sally. (dreaming).... ok back to the post holiday frigid Chicago weather.
muddyboots said…
see the forecast has been bad bad down there, wrap up warm and keep the candles handy, it will soon be spring and light evening with a large glass of Le Fort to sip whilst munching on olives........
Jude said…
We are soooooooooo lucky???
Please join the tag, I've named you on my blog.
Cait O'Connor said…
Ah, I do enjoy your tantalising snippets of French life.

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