Sons and Mothers

On the spur of the moment I decided that '2b' and I should go for 'quality time' together. The sky was that vivid deep blue with dancing puffy white clouds and the sun was mocking us for chaining ourselves to our computers. He looked startled and apprehensive, wondering what the catch was I daresay.

Against my better judgement we kicked off at MacDonald's. No sign of Ronald, balloons and free tacky toys. Instead, deep bitter chocolate hues with stainless steel, all rather grown up and sensible I thought. I grimaced as I bit into something slopped into a bun. 'This is great isn't it' ? I said. Nearly choked on my words. Across from us there was a ubercool looking Mummy in tight jeans and pink Converse Trainers complete with blue streak in her hair. She was picking at a salad whilst I imagined my arteries clogging up and a nasty little nagging voice was mocking me for being a fraud. I'm lovin'it, not.

'We'll take the roof off' I said. Well in for a penny, in for a pound or euros whatever. We happily whizzed along the road to Carcassonne Plage getting a wonderful eyeful of La Cité in the distance, a fairly awesome Medieval Castle and a magnet for visitors. Would have stopped and taken an awarding winning shot but a BMW driver was trying to park in my boot.

On our arrival at La Plage it looked so gorgeous and inviting we ran down to the waters edge startling a courting couple of geese paddling gently along. A sandcastle sat by the waters edge and for a split second I felt a pang as bitter sweet memories flooded back. We both stood there appreciating the beauty of the location and the moment.

Afterwards we topped it off by a visit to the thrift shop. My boy can sniff a bargain at ten paces and soon his shoulder was sporting casually flung over designer clothes. Lots of chatter, heaps of laughter and oodles of fun, all for 5 euros. 'I sure rock as a Mom' I quipped. 'Quit Twitter now' he replied 'whilst you're still ahead and he rolled his eye's.

Total cost of the day then



Pondside said…
Good for you - you have to get those days in while you can because time is rushing by and he will soon be too busy for a day at McDonald's and puttering about with Mum. It sounds as though you had a good day and down the road I'm sure he'll 'remember when........?'
ChrisH said…
Yep, Pondside is right. Just wish I could still make life better for mine with a MaccyD. By the way, I am up for some quality time if you would like to take me with you in future!
Cait O'Connor said…
Yes make the most of your young son, these boys turn into men before you know it.
Withy Brook said…
Fantabulous - for both of you.
Maddie Grigg said…
2B or not 2B? That is the question. Glad you had a great day. You need those times every now and then.
Debs said…
Sounds like a perfect day to me, so precious.
Calico Kate said…
What a lovely day. One to treasure.
Un Peu Loufoque said…
and lots of pennies in the memory bank! Sounds divine, except mado dos!!
Exmoorjane said…
Ha ha, so you've succombed to the dreaded Twitter too???? he he.

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