There are many things to which I would like to unlock the secrets to in life. I would love to discover the secret to patience. I have none, I cannot sit and wait, I cannot stand to wait, instead I prowl and look for distraction. My days work is done, I've been up since 6am, it is now after 6pm and I want to go and play. But I am duty bound to wait so I fiddle with my camera and send funny messages to people I love to make them smile.
Easter is nearly upon us, it's funny isn't it how acceptable it is to utter the 'Easter' word but mention 'Christmas' and everyone shudders. Just as much feasting and frivolity goes on, well it does here. Easter is when the season truly kicks in. I would love to say how much I am looking forward to eating my chocolate eggs but they went.... I can't be the only one surely ?
My cooking utensils hanging rather pleasingly in a row remind me that I have a menu to ponder. Easter Sunday will see us dining on roast lamb with lashings of garlic and an exciting array of vegetables sought from our wonderful market on Saturday mornings. Apparently the dessert is a surprise. I love a surprise as long as it involves chocolate.
So I do a bit more wandering round the house taking pictures and by now I really am ready to finish my day and just run....
Run down my stunning staircase to the street down below and catch the last rays of the sun.
The secret to patience is going to elude me for a while longer I fear.
Happy Easter to far I have managed to refrain from the chocolate anything, only a few more days to go.