Bridport lockdown diary - Day 58

Day 58

The cast;
'The undertaker' (husband)

Whatever else life may be throwing at us right now there's no denying the weather is being exceptionally kind. It's the sort of May we all dream of in deepest darkest Dorset, sunshine, clear blue skies and winding country lanes filled with swaying cow parsley. Today has been one of those days with the added bonus of our seeming to have the entire county to ourselves, apart from the few that have sneaked in under the radar and the lycra clad cyclists peddling furiously along.

I haven't been anywhere at all for so long that I decided to take a drive a mere ten minutes away to a secret location that I have been visiting for years. There is a tiny church with outrageously healthy looking chickens pecking contentedly outside. The surrounding fields have been cut for silage whilst the distinctive markings of friesian cows decorate rolling green hillsides. From my vantage point up high I can see the twinkling blue sea of the Jurassic coast with Golden Cap, the highest point in the South West ahead in the hazy light. Such a marvellous place to reflect on the day.

The garden has never looked prettier, foxgloves are aplenty whilst poppies have suddenly sprung up from nowhere. If it's warm tomorrow 'nearly 90' can come and sit in the garden, such small things that we previously took for granted and now seem absolutely marvellous. Tiny steps, huge rewards.

I am now used to having hair like an untidy haystack but I have the simple solution of popping on a red and white spotty bandanna. Today MIL pulled up outside the house with a jar of homemade marmalade looking exceptionally smart, so I was pleased not to be atired in baggy DIY gear with a face splattered in tiny specs of  carefully chosen off white paint. I had even eked out and applied the last meagre bit of my favourite lippy not liking to go into Boots for a replacement as that would seem uneccessary, which actually it is. The upshot of this is...I looked reasonably presentable.

'The undertaker' is now off call. Tonight we can go to bed safe in the knowledge he won't be called out at some ungodly hour, it's like being on holiday all over again except of course we have to stay at home. No Friday night pub, no meeting up with friends, no thoughts of waking early for the market. Sounds good to me, a quiet blameless life.

As it is Friday night however, the weekend is officially here.  I can barely contain my excitement. A rather delicious bottle of organic red wine has been opened and is waiting to be consumed. I can't contain my impatience anymore, 'Let's drink it and be dammed' I say, 'Live life like tomorrow will never come'. This vile pandemic has heightened the fragility of life and again I am compelled to say, 'How you treat people now will be remembered tomorrow'. Be kind, be tolerant and show compassion. Today I will bite my lip.


Just returned from my late afternoon walk and it was bank holiday madness. Packed car park and never seen so many picnicers on the hill. C'est la vie, but I do miss the solitary walks.
P.s it will be lovely for your mother to have a little bit of freedom soon. My mil borders Wales, very confusing. Go to Tesco, don't go to Tesco 😂

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