Emerging from lockdown

The cast:
'The undertaker' (husband)
'Office darling' (daughter)

For the first time ever this morning I did up my bra back to front and swivelled it round. A rather nasty thought crossed my mind 'only old ladies do that'. The truth hurts and that's a fact.For those of you unfamiliar with the complexities of bras with multiple fastenings let me point out that its no joke wrestling on a daily basis with matching up tiny hooks that you cant actually see. I should have taken this step years ago, oh for hindsight...

Feeling accomplished I set forth up the road where a small number of stalls were set up for the Wednesday market. It was good to see familiar faces and exchange some lighthearted banter.

However, somebody this morning did feed me a red rag to a bull comment. I don't think they meant to, I'm sure it was said in a lighthearted context but they made a wrong assumption about me. I admit I went 'off on one'. Feeling taken aback that they had incited such a rage in me I took awhile to think about it and went back and calmly explained my reaction. I think they were surprised that they had misjudged me but as I said 'please don't always judge a book by its cover'. People blindly assume an awful lot these days without fully understanding or wanting to hear the full facts. I find this attitude exhausting.

'Office darling' sends a plea for a sandwich. She is worn out by unreasonable demanding people selfishly thinking that their needs, and their needs alone, surpass anyone else's. There an awful lot of that around right now. I bump into a fair number of people that have to deal with the general public on a daily basis and have continued to do so without complaint throughout lockdown. That there is an awful lot of arrogance and entitlement out there is the overwhelming conclusion. One of the beauties of my life right now is that I can choose whether or not to interact with people and I am choosing not to. It's safer that way. I culled my 'friends' on facebook too, on the basis that they were no more interested in me, than I was in them. Why go through the rest of your life pretending? Its very fashionable to say exactly what you think these days anyway so sod it, why should I be any different?

'Our visitor' is still in the vicinity but has now taken to perching charmingly on the neighbours garden table. This morning I accuse him (the neighbour) of luring the hapless creature with a far superior brand of bird feed which he vehemently denies.

In one of my former lives, of which I have had a fair number, I was affectionately called 'Sally Snail'. The beauty of being a snail like creature is that you can stick your neck out when you feel like it and then just as quickly retreat back inside your shell.

Makes perfect sense to me.


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