Lockdown from Bridport - Part 2 - Day 13

 'We're nearly halfway through' I say idly to 'The Undertaker' over the breakfast table. He looks up. 'Halfway through what?' he says knife and fork poised over his foul smelling kippers on buttered toast. 'Lockdown' I reply and crash my teaspoon crossly battering the poor boiled egg... Deep sighs.

Dolled up in my painting clothes I amble up the road, place seems to be awash with people trussed up in paint splattered dungarees and carrying dustsheets. A hive of activity in the town. In Bucky Doo square tree surgeons swung perilously high as they chainsawed and pollarded the tree which is such a beautiful central point. No cause for alarm. They do this every year to their trees in France and by the summer they look stunning.

I decided to pop a sheet over the window today, partly to build up the suspension before the 'big reveal' and partly because I'm conscious that some of my painting positions are anything but flattering. Nothing like being on your knees butt high in the air wielding a paintbrush and being gawped at through the window. So yes, vanity mainly.

The highlight of the day, as I couldn't see outside was my sandwich. Soft sliced granary with thinly cut cucumber, Cornish cheese and some crunchy organic cos lettuce from the Duchy of Cornwall. (Reduced last night in Waitrose) Far too soon the pinnacle of my day was over. I stepped to the back door to throw out the remains of my lukewarm tea when out of the corner of my eye I spied a little fellow glistening on a piece of wood. I peered down at him and was astonished at how iridescent the colours of his shell were. He must have been the size of a pin head but I could see every bit of him in quite impressive detail. I could even make out his eyeballs on the ends of his wiggly tentacles. I watched him for a while quite fascinated by his determination to push himself along. Where was he going, did he even know? He may have been tiny, to some insignificant, but he impressed me.

The moral of the day being.

'Without being aware of it you may have impressed someone today, by simply being you.' 


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