Lockdown from Bridport - Part 2 - Day 3

Todays stars:
'The undertaker' (husband)
'Now 90' (Mother)
'MIL' (Mother in law)

Yesterday was one of those days that can only be described as 'blurghhhhh'. If I were a rabbit I would have scampered down my warren and hidden myself away in one of the very many chambers armed with some appropriate greenery. As it was I did a most unusual thing for me and took to my bedchamber. Dark deep dreams interspersed with cold sweats. Charming.

Moving on swiftly from that little domestic scene I awoke this morning and saw the world in a new light. I gently nudged 'The Undertaker' in a way that led him to believe he had woken up quite naturally. I gave a little weak cough which prompted him to go and make tea. It's not a trick I'm proud of but needs must. News of the presidential election is on so we sit in silence, best not to comment further than that. At one stage I started talking and he raised his hand, presumably to silence my chatter. Must remember to pull that tactic when he starts telling me in detail about the weaponry in various films.

We amble up South Street and are rather taken aback by the amount of people on the street, it feels so completely different from the last lockdown when deathly silence and car free roads were commonplace. I admit it was uplifting to chat to people at a distance, these days anyone will do. Have I seen you before, do I know you? Who cares, lets talk about nothing anyway. Before we know it an hour has passed in a most pleasant way. 'Now 90' ambles up for some lunch which gives me an opportunity to break open a bar of chocolate but we refrain from strong refreshment.

Later on we drop off 'essentials' to 'MIL' and I wander around the grounds armed with a pair of secateurs helping myself lavishly to exotic greenery consisting of trailing ivy, holly with bright red berries, deep pink rhododendrons tinged with a gentle hue of purple and anything else that took my fancy. Later on I shall get my largest prettiest jug and take enormous pleasure from arranging my bounty.

That peculiar dark tunnel is yesterdays news. 


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