Lockdown from Bridport - Part 3 - Day 64
I know you maybe thinking 'not another daffodil' but really the amazing variety out there is extraordinary and this one was so pretty and pale I just had to 'snap it'. The surprising thing was they were all waving their heads about over my Father's grave as he lies right next to the hedgerow. The frost had got the French lavender so I cut that down whilst I was at it.
The pretty little church at Eype lies high on the hill overlooking the rolling countryside with the sea in the distance. We always pass through the graveyard when we do our circular walk to the coast and back. I think its a fair stretch, some six miles roughly so we pack sandwiches and a flask. Pointless being miserable and peckish. There was quite a keen biting south westerly blowing today so we had to perch on an old wooden bench keeping our backs close to a wall. Whilst we were sitting there the local photographer Neil Barnes came along with his drone so we had a little chat about this and that as you do. The phone kept going with people saying they were outside my shop but the wind was gusting quite loudly so I couldn't tell who I was talking to. 'You up to much'? 'Not really'. Difficult to deduce who is on the end of the phone I admit.
The app on my phone tells me I have done over 10,000 steps which to my mind is quite enough for today and I regret promising a friend I will join her for early evening exercise. In all truthfulness I would love to curl up in front of the fire and yawn my way through the rest of the evening. I did just this last night whilst consuming a mini tub of Haagen Dazs and a few squares of chocolate with sea salt as I viewed, unwisely on reflection, a couple of hard done by moaners. I know first hand about mental health issues and narcissists but to combine the two was painful beyond belief.
Tomorrow Melicious is coming to the shop to rustle up a shelf with a long hanging rail and a mantlepiece over the fireplace. 'The Undertaker' is giving a running commentary on the storm we apparently have heading our way but as I shall have so much to keep me occupied comfortably inside it wont affect me. He on the other hand has a funeral, which is a different kettle of fish altogether...